Rescue Me! Keeshond Keeshond Blog

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Letters below were sent to founder Jeff Gold from people helped by Rescue Me!

Sender: Diana Franklin     Date: September 5, 2016 _
     I can not believe what a stress-free experience this was. Within 15 hours of posting Harry and Silvia for adoption, we had a dozen inquiries. We spoke with people all over the country. Then the hardest decision was who would be our choice. So many nice, caring families out there. After meeting the new parents, we felt sure it was a good match! This morning the dogs greeted the new parent and jumped right into her vehicle. I cried for happiness. They will be loved and exercised. Thank you for creating this formatted service. It is perfect for pet owners whose only other option is a county shelter. And for those of us who care where our pets are placed. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Rescue Me.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Keeshond Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Karen Smith     Date: November 1, 2013 _
     Dear Jeff, Saw your listing about Shawnee on a Tuesday night, and by the following Saturday he was relocated from the cool lovely mountains to the warm flatlands. He has settled in fine with our two other Keeshonds. Met the owner in the mountains and brought our precious Shawnee home. He has stolen our love with his cheesie Keesie smile and wiggly back end. We have been rescuing Keeshonds for 10 years now and this is the first time we have used Rescue Me!, and thank you for the wonderful job you are doing placing these precious furry blessings in people's lives. We will now tag you as a favorite and check back from time to time. As a side note, for anyone needing to rehome an animal in the best interest of the animal, I thank you and ask for blessings upon you for your loving decision.

Sender: Darla Temple     Date: June 23, 2013 _
     I am so grateful for Rescue Me! I posted our sweet girl, Maddie, and in less than two days she now has a new loving Momma and Daddy!! I also felt very happy and comfortable that Maddie is going to a great home where she will get vet visits, grooming and lots of love. Thank you!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Keeshond Rescue

Sender: Tracey Church     Date: April 25, 2013 _
     Rescue Me! was a great help. I posted my story of these two Kesshonds finding my family on Monday. And after only three days, the wonderful King family contacted us and are going to fly into Denver, Colorado, rent a car, and drive 6 hours to my home to take these two cute dogs Milo and Haylo back with them. My husband and I took these two dogs in when someone just dropped them off. We so wanted to keep them, but we were unable to because we already own two dogs and three cats. These Keeshonds were a new breed for us, and they are so funny and loving but I know they will be going to a good home. Thank goodness for Rescue Me!, because with out them, I don't know what I would have done.

Sender: Lynette May     Date: January 10, 2013 _
     Thanks to Rescue Me! I was able to place Skylar with a local rescue group that will be able to tend to her medical needs. Thank you, so much!

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Sender: Tamala Kendrick     Date: August 22, 2012 _
     This site is great! I posted my dog without a picture and received 5 inquiries within a week. I was able to give him to someone who can give him a loving home. Thank you so much Jeff Gold and Rescue Me, this is a load off our shoulders.

Sender: Ashley Thurston     Date: June 6, 2012 _
     I posted Chevy up for adoption and 2 days later he had a new wonderful home that he can spend the rest of his days! Thank you Rescue me for a wonderful site that helped me place my sweet boy with a family that will love him as much as ours!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Keeshond Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Larry Wipperfurth     Date: May 6, 2012 _
     Rocco was adopted by a very nice older couple that has had Keeshonds before. After meeting them I know he will have a great new home. Thanks

Sender: Richard Drimalla     Date: April 10, 2012 _
     Toby was adopted! He is in a good place. Thank you. Richard

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Keeshond Rescue

Sender: Tamara Anderson     Date: March 26, 2012 _
     Jeff, I am very grateful for Rescue Me!! I needed to find a home for my puppy Deuce and as soon as I posted him I started receiving emails and phone calls. Deuce is now with a family that has been raising Keeshonds for about 30 years. The couple that adopted him are very nice and I am sure Deuce will get all the love & attention he needs in their home. Tamara Anderson & Keita Bailey

Sender: Oz Sadler     Date: December 19, 2011 _
     I would just like to say that Rescue Me was very helpful in finding a home for my Keeshond, Mesha. Once I submitted my request it was not long before receiving a call that there was a home for her. So Thankful for all you did. God Bless Oz

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Sender: Sarah Cocchiara     Date: August 24, 2011 _
     Hi Jeff- Mia found a new home! I couldn't believe how fast and easy the adoption went! I posted Mia this morning and within hours someone had called. I even had emails come in since then. The website made me feel very comfortable and the whole process was very professional. The family Mia is going to has had Keeshond dogs before and upon meeting Mia I could tell they were a genuinely nice couple. Mia absolutely loved them and seemed excited to go for a 'ride' with them. I know she will have a great home with them and that they will take good care of her. Thank you for creating this website. It is truly a blessing that Mia has such a great family to live with. Sarah Cocchiara

Sender: Jaime Diamond     Date: August 2, 2011 _
     Jeff, Koda was adopted by a great family. The Rescue Me website was very easy to use and the response I got from others looks for Keeshonds was so fast! I found Koda a new home in less than 24 hours, and then had several other folks email me afterwards about him as well. Thank you so much for the help in getting Koda to his forever-home! Best, Jaime

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Keeshond Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

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