Tikva the Keeshond was a therapy dog used at Ground Zero after the 9/11 attacks for the benefit of the rescue workers. Keeshonden have such clingy tendencies that they have earned the nickname Velcro Dog. Victorians nicknamed the Keeshond the Overweight Pomeranian. Keeshonden are considered by some to be a bit psychic, since they are so sensitive and sympathetic toward people.
Related pages:
Keeshond Rescue
Tunisia Animal Rescue
Tunisia is Iocated in North Africa and spans across approximateIy 63,000 square miIes. Most peopIe in Tunisia speak Arabic. The population of Tunisia is about 10 million. Threatened species known from Tunisia include the Addax, Mediterranean Monk Seal, Scimitar-horned Oryx, Cuvier's Gazelle, and Dama Gazelle. The capital of Tunisia is Tunis.